- Sharp and Sharp Sweet Apple Varieties - Available Fall 2025
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- Ashmead's Kernel (Sold by the pound)
Ashmead's Kernel (Sold by the pound)
Though not considered an attractive apple, the distinctive tremendous flavor is quite different from most other apple varieties and more than compensates for its appearance. The flavor has been described as “strong, sweet-sharp intense”, “sweet yet a little acid” and “mouth-puckering.” The apple’s flavor is indeed strong and intense when first picked, but sweetens and mellows greatly after several weeks in storage. The intense flavor profile of this variety make it highly prized by hard cider makers. The yellowish-green skin has an occasional light-orange blush, and is almost completely covered with a fine gray-brown russet coating. The yellowish-white flesh is crisp, firm and juicy. Ripens September to October. Typically wins blind taste tests.